are you feeling stuck in your life, and don’t know what your next step could be on your spiritual journey?

i am here to show you, that you can cultivate the life that you desire with the right mindset.  

When I do a personal reading, I ask your spirit team, what messages are important for you to know right now in your life situation.

I feel spiritually guided to bring you important messages, that I sense through my intuition that you need to hear in your life right now.

I will coach you based on my own life experience and life journey, together with science and the knowledge I have obtained from studying and experiencing the law of attraction.

By purchasing a reading you agree to be open to the messages for its intended purpose, for personal use only. Due to the nature of readings, all readings are non refundable as I pay fees on paypal.

A Live reading gives you a quick overview upon your situation, if you need deeper answers, choose a private reading.
Scroll down the page to read about the options for private readings and my testimonials.

lf you don’t have paypal, reach out to me for my Revolut Bank details. 

Regarding questions about time frames, it’s important for you to know, that it is never guaranteed when something is going to happen, and the reason for that is, we all have free will on this earth, and it is totally up to you and other people to make your own decisions and choices in life.

Let go of when and how and take personal responsibility for your own personal growth. Have faith and decide to believe in the magic of the Universe.

Things will happen when you least expect it, let the universe surprise you. We do have a lot of things in our destiny and nothing in life is a coincidence, but at the end all choices is up to you.

By booking a reading it can give you the clarity and the guidance you currently need to know right now.

The messages I channel for you is where the energies are in your life currently, and I will teach you how you can get into alignment with your goals and desires, so you can manifest what you truly want.

I believe in you.

live reading on social media

I am here to guide you down the path that is best for you with my intuitive psychic abilities.

Book a reading on social media while I am LIVE on TikTok, Facebook or Instagram.

Write 3 clear questions on paypal.

You can ask any questions.

NOTE: Check the events on my social media platforms, when I go live in your local time. All readings are non refundable.


Love and Personal Growth
25 eur
  • Yes/or No answer directly from your spirit guides
  • Ask 3 questions about love or personal growth
  • Face to Face reading on social media

i offer recorded readings made personally for you, that you can have access to and watch over again as many times as you need the rest of your life.

psychic reading 11 min

About Your Love Life
111 eur
  • Ask 1 question
  • Detailed reading about your persons current feelings for you
  • Guidance for you about this connection
  • Delivered by private YouTube video
  • Write 1 question and a brief summary about your situation to my email

psychic reading 22 min

About Your True Love
222 eur
  • Ask 2 questions
  • What do you currently need to know about your soulmate
  • Their next actions towards you and near future outcome
  • Guidance on how to attract your soulmate into your life
  • Delivered by private YouTube video
  • Write 2 questions and a brief summary about your situation to my email

psychic reading 33 min

About Love & Personal Growth
333 eur
  • Ask 3 questions
  • This reading is in depth, and you may hear messages about any area of your life
  • What Good Luck and Blessings are coming into your life
  • In depth looking into your Divine Counterpart Connection
  • What will improve this connection and your personal growth
  • Delivered by private YouTube Video
  • Write 3 questions and a brief summary about your situation to my email


Did you know that your dog, in addition to keeping you company, has come with a spiritual mission to support you in the most difficult moments of your life?

Dogs are creatures that are carried away by love, affection and care.
They are honest, loyal, and extremely faithful.
Yes, they are animals but they have a way of being that has earned them the title of “Man’s best friend.”
Then, you can also believe that the dogs can be angels that walk among us with a special mission for humanity.

Dogs are emotional therapists, they would never hesitate to approach you and give you a kiss and accompany you if you feel sad or discouraged.
Your mission can be dedicated to a single person or to an entire group.
Many dogs do impressive tasks with one person or can impact an entire group of people like a family. A canine pet in a family becomes an inseparable friend, but there are some secrets behind that friendship.

Written by Shirley Persad.

They are energetic protectors

Dogs are protective angels that absorb unbalanced vibrations from both you and the places you inhabit. They are then purged with water, plants and other elements.

They even sacrifice for you when there are bad energies that can affect you.

They know what their mission is and they don’t hesitate to protect you from whatever it is.

Some sudden dog deaths are due to those strong energies they absorb.

A good way to purge that bad energy from the animals is by giving them a lot of affection and affection. The caresses make them happy.

Beyond what you believe, they choose you and not the other way around. Even when you have the opportunity to “choose” among many puppies, the one who has chosen you will approach you and win your trust and affection for you to select him. And you will know that you have chosen well, but it was not you who chose.

Dogs are faithful. Every day they will show you humility and unconditional love.

You will never feel that your dog has forgotten you because he always comes to greet you, wags his tail with happiness when you see you even if it has only been 5 minutes since they stopped seeing you.

Canine angels can create such a special bond that even the death of the person they loved the most can depress them to the point of letting themselves die because their mission no longer has an end in the world, they no longer find meaning in life.

Cases have been known that the loss of a human friend leads these pets to suffer from an “eternal” wait, the hope that he will return, and if they understand that he is gone forever, they allow themselves to die to meet him on another plane of conscience.

They are connected with very high vibrations and are incredibly sensitive.

They are capable of perceiving much more than you imagine, they are energy radars, they are always alert even when you see them resting.

They have an impressive auditory sensitivity, as well as their smell and vision. They can see through dimensions and planes that people cannot perceive.

That is why they become restless and anxious in the presence of a strange presence.

On a personal level, they will always be aware of their owner and the family that has welcomed them. They ensure that everything is always in harmony. When they feel sadness, depression, heartbreak or any negative feelings, they look for a way to improve your mood.

The movement of its tail emits vibrational waves that harmonize the environment.

They are signs of love.

Dogs are the best friends, the best life companions; They are playful and innocent, they are simply elevated beings in evolution that go on 4 legs making your life happy.